Tuncay Buyukoglu (DoB. 1970 / Antalya)
His BSc. in Computer Engineering & Sciences from Hacettepe University.
He started to create advergames for major brands such as Coca-Cola, Unilever, P&G, Bayer, Henkel etc.. then he saw the future and great potential in computer games. So he joined the Sobee Studios team after acquisition of Turk Telekom Group. During his 2 years at Sobee Studios, he acted as Asst. of General Manager and he was responsible from strategy, marketing & sales.
Tuncay focused on monetization, distribution and marketing activities for existing games.
Developed first Performance based digital media buying integration in Turkey. Created 500.000 members in first six months. During world cup 2014 has been broadcasted a special event ICF Tournament on TV with NTVSpor. And this event was also won ‘World Communication Awards 2010”.
After he left his position in 2012 he founded the game production companies MadByte Games, IZE Gaming and Elite Game Studio together with talented developers and experienced persons from Turkish game industry. Lokum Games, Turkey’s only production enabled publishing company was founded by the same group of friends who are sharing the same vision to change the game publishing ever.
Tuncay believes there are still many-many opportunities in the game industry. To create success stories in this jungle, having the right team is the key factor. All the team members can use their creativity and the production power, pushing the limits all together, this is amazing. And you could easily addicted to this energy which makes possible to produce great games.