Quo Vadis 2017The event is getting less and less every year. Still had the chance to meet some strategic partners.
Quo Vadis 2016Tough the attendance was low we are glad to have visited the event for having some followup meetings with prior partners. The wireless...
GDC & GC San Francisco 2016Excellent B2B @Game Connection. Great venue and very good match making system. Closed some deals at Game Connection and also got good new...
Casual Connect Europe 2014Casual Connect really is the place to learn all about iPhone, Social, Android, Flash, Browser MMO and Download Games and more about an...
Ozgur's lectures available online at Turkcell Mobile Games WorkshopMore than 400 students applied and only 36 are chosen for the special 6 week program. Ozgur gave two lectures about "PreProduction In...
Ozgur's presentation at Game Developers Summit 2013The seminar was about the good the bad and the ugly sides of Game Production. At the speech Ozgur shared his Game Idea Greenlight Cycle...
GDC Europe & Gamescom 2013The GDC had many great conferences. The conferences were well organized. The organization team was very helpful. The parties were less...
Presentation at ICT Summit 2013At the international event of ICT Summit 2013 Özgür gave a speech about Professional Game Production. He made a presentation about...